Southern Tack can advertise your club events for free! All you need to do is add Southern Tack's email address into your club members email distribution. By doing this, your club or association will have an 'Information Partnership' with Southern Tack.


Event Calendar Entry:

  • When you notify your members of an event, Southern Tack will add this event to the 'Event Calendar' with your club abbreviation appended to the event title.
  • Any following emails you send out to members with event update information, will be added to the event details with the date it was added.


  • Important club notices are added to the 'Notices' shown on the home page. These are collected throughout the week then sent out by email on Thursday's to people who have registered interest on Southern Tack. Each club has it's own 'News' section. Downloadable files links can be included in these notices for email attachments.

Short Stories:

Please email southerntack using the "Contact' menu above if you would like to add a Short Story about your event.

  • Premier events can be advertised during the year leading up to the event to attract more people’s interest. 

This modern media service reaches a large audience of people and allows discussion about events advertised.

  • Southern Tack is happy to advertise for the yachting comunity using its Facebook page. If you have a yacht for sale or just want some extra coverage for your even, feel welcome.While are welcome to publish items yourself on the Southern Tack Facebook site, please keep it positive otherwise it will be removed!
  • It is great for cancellation notices too.