Use the 'Event Calendar' tab above to view a chronological list of what is on. Each event is listed with the club abbreviation shown beside it.

Any details regarding each event are displayed when you click on it. Southern Tack always updates event details with any information provided leading up to an event. If you are unsure about event details, do contact the club for confirmation as Southern Tack information is only updated with what it receives!

Note that not all club events are open to Public! Please use the 'Web Links' at the bottom of the home page to contact the club if you are not a member. In most cases you will be welcomed to club events. On the other hand, many events are open to public but if you are unsure, please ask.

Please note that the end time on this event calendar is only an approximation. This type of detail is not usually provided. Also check the location of an event. While an event may be hosted by one club it may be run by another club.

Here is the link to view Southern Tack's Event Calendar in your web browser:
Click here
Here is the link to can use to include Southern Tack's Event Calendar on your computer or smart phone calendar:
Click here